[Strona główna] [informacje]
Informacje o CAS: http://www.cas.org/about.html
Chemical Abstracts.
Lista uwzględnionych tyt. na Chem Port: http://www.chemport.org/html/english/journals_list.html]
Wersje CD-ROM: http://www.cas.org/ONLINE/CD/collectives.html **
Wersja drukowana: http://www.cas.org/PRINTED/printca.html
Szczegóły, podręczniki, opracowania nt. CA: http://www.cas.org/EO/subjects.html
Podręczniki użytkownika: http://www.cas.org/learning.html
Dostęp w Polsce [PWr, platforma IRIS CD WEB WARE, tylko dla subskrybentów] - http://bazy.bg.pwr.wroc.pl/iris [podr. ang. - http://www.epa.gov/IRIS/guide.htm]
Dostęp na platforma CA SELECTS. - http://caselects.cas.org/html/home.html [help]**
[dostęp demo: wybierz Sample Issue, możliwe jest tylko przeglądanie wybranych tytułów **
Dostęp przez klienta SCIFinder
Podręczniki: http://www.cas.org/SCIFINDER/ **
Prezentacja: SCIFinder Scholar Interactive Tutorial: http://www.cas.org/SCIFINDER/SCHOLAR/interact/index.html
Wymaga instalacji pluginów, przeczytaj uważnie sekcje: Accessing the tutorial
Pobranie wersji do odtwarzania offline 2,9 MB [download the Windows executable version]: www.cas.org/SCIFINDER/SCHOLAR/interact/2002/scholar2002.exe
SciFinder Scholar Interactive Tutorial [Flash]** - po zainstalowaniu zapoznać się z wszystkimi lekcjami
Inne serwisy CAS:
Science Spotlight. - http://www.cas.org/spotlight/index.html **
Szczegóły referencji CA |
Many researchers unfamiliar with the content of the CAS databases assume that CA is strictly "chemistry," and are astonished by the diversity of its coverage. Approximately 3,000 document references and 4,000 new substances are added to the CAS databases each day. |
590,000 referencji |
More than 590,000 document references in the CAS databases focus on agricultural sciences. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of agricultural topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
4.6 miliona referencji |
Approximately 21% of the document references in the CAS databases focus on biology and the life sciences.The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of biology and life science topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
7.9 miliona referencji |
Approximately 35% of the CAS database content focuses on information of interest to engineers. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of engineering topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
Technologia żywności
720,000 referencji
Over 720,000 document references in the CAS databases focus on food sciences. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of food science topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
Chemia ogólna
5.7 miliona referencji
All documents cited in the CAS databases cover some aspect of chemistry. But how much of this vast collection of 22.4 million references deals with the elementary principles of chemistry? The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of general chemistry topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
786,000 referencji |
More than 786,000 document references in the CAS databases focus on geological sciences. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of geological science topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
2.2 miliona referencji |
Approximately 10% of the document references in the CAS databases focus on the material sciences. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of material science topics that one can find in the CAS databases.
4.0 miliony referencji
Approximately 18% of the document references in the CAS databases focus on the medical sciences. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of medical topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
5.1 miliona referencji
Approximately 23% of the CAS database content focuses on physics. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of physics topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
Technologia polimerów
3.5 miliona referencji
Approximately 15% of the document references in the CAS databases focus on polymer science and technology. The following list is but a small sample of the rich selection of polymer science and technology topics that one can find in the CAS databases:
informacje ang. i rysunki wg: http://www.cas.org/chemplus/chemplus1.html |
© W. M. Kolasa. Kraków 2003 http://www.wmkolasa.up.krakow.pl/