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Current Contents
Current Contents Search(r) is the electronic version of Current Contents,
the highly regarded current awareness tool from ISI. Providing unlimited access
to tables of contents and bibliographic data from over 7,000 of the world's
leading scientific and scholarly journals and 2,000 books, Current Contents
Search(r) provides users with the most up-to-date research information. Each
journal meets stringent qualitative and quantitative standards such as impact
factor, timeliness, depth and breadth of coverage, and editorial integrity.
Complete bibliographic information is provided, including English-language
author abstracts (for approximately 85% of the articles and reviews in the
science editions), author keywords, KeyWords Plus (r), reprint and research
addresses, and full journal information.
SilverPlatter offers three subscription options: Current Contents Search -- Full
Seven Edition; Current Contents Search -- Five Sciences Edition; Current
Contents Search -- Life Sciences/Clinical Medicine Edition.
Producent: Institute
for Scientific Information.
Liczba dysków: Delivered on Tape
Medium: Internet; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Weekly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1994-Present
¬ródła: Current Contents, Print Editions
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Słowa kluczowe: Agriculture; Art; Biology; Chemistry; Computers; Earth-Sciences; Engineering;
Environment; Humanities; Life-Sciences; Medicine; Science-and-Technology;
INSPEC, from the Institute of Electrical Engineers (IEE), is the
world's leading database in the fields of physics, electronics and electrical
engineering, computers and control, and information technology.
INSPEC contains citations with abstracts of the worldwide literature in physics,
electronics and electrical engineering, and computer fields. Primary coverage is
of journal articles and papers presented at conferences, although significant
books, technical reports, and dissertations are also included in the database's
6.2 million records. Sources include more than 4,200 journals and more than 2,000 conference
proceedings, books, and reports corresponding to the following publications:
Physics Abstracts, electrical & Electronics Abstracts, and Computer &
Control Abstracts, as well as to the online INSPEC database.
Producent: Institution
of Electrical Engineers (IEE).
Liczba dysków: 1
Medium: Internet; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Weekly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1969-Present
¬ródła: The INSPEC Science Abstracts series: Physics
Abstracts, Electrical and Electronics Abstracts, and Computer and Control
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 6.2 million
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 300,000+
Słowa kluczowe:Artificial-Intelligence; Astronomy; Communications; Computers;
Energy; Engineering; Information-Sciences; Nuclear-Energy; Oceanography; Physics;
Science-and-Technology; Telecommunications
GenRef on Compact Disc
BIOSIS GenRef on Compact Disc is the premier reference source for
multi-disciplinary genetics information, covering plant, animal, human and
microorganism genetics. Offering the widest collection of scientific findings
and industry news available on compact disc, BIOSIS GenRef on Compact Disc, with
its newly added backfile, helps users obtain key information effecting current
genetic research and business challenges. BIOSIS monitors nearly 6,000
scientific journals, 1,500 meetings, and 300 business industry publications for
the latest research discoveries, government regulations, mergers and
acquisitions, and U.S. patents awarded. Plus, BIOSIS GenRef on Compact Disc
links researchers to over 75,000 gene sequence numbers from 1985 to the present
from the GenBank, EMBL, and DDBJ repositories. The records in the database from
1985 to the present contain informative abstracts, when available, allowing
researchers can review the content before consulting the original document.
Producent: Biological
Abstracts, Inc. (BIOSIS).
Liczba dysków: 5
Medium: CD; Hard Disk; Internet
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1985-Present
Platforma: Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 1,050,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 100,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Biology; Biotechnology; Corporations; Genetics; Government-Regulations;
Health-Sciences; Marketing; Medicine
Biological Abstracts
on Compact Disc
With over 5 million records, Biological Abstracts is ideal for
anyone interested in the life sciences. It enables researchers, faculty and
students to easily retrieve references to research reported in life sciences
journals. BIOSIS monitors around 6,000 international journals to ensure that
virtually every life science topic is covered, including agriculture,
biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, ecology, the environment, microbiology,
neurology, pharmacology, public health and toxicology.
Records include information such as document title, author name(s), corporate
source, journal source, publication year, ISSN, language, abstract, descriptors,
concept codes and much more. Over 95% of the records include informative
New in 1998, Relational Indexing offers an indexing methodology that provides an
organized way of collecting biological information and maintains meaningful
relationships among terms.
Producent: Biological
Abstracts, Inc. (BIOSIS).
Liczba dysków: 21
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1985-Present
¬ródła: Biological Abstracts
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 4,700,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 360,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Anatomy; Animal-Science; Biochemistry; Biology; Botany; Cardiology; Cytology;
Ecology; Economics; Environment; Forestry; Genetics; Gerontology;
Health-Sciences; Horticulture; Immunology; Life-Sciences; Mathematics; Medicine;
Microbiology; Neurology; Nutrition; Pathology; Pediatrics; Pharmaceutical;
Pharmacology; Physiology; Plant-Genetics; Public-Health; Science-and-Technology;
Soils; Statistics; Toxicology; Urology; Veterinary-Science
EconLit, the fundamental research tool in economics, provides
bibliographic citations, with selected abstracts, to the international
literature on economics since 1969.
EconLit covers a broad range of document types published world-wide,
including journal articles, books, and dissertations, as well as articles in
collective works, such as conference proceedings and collected essay volumes.
The database also includes Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics from the
Cambridge University Press database, and Index of Economic Articles in Journals
& Collective Volumes, and the full text of the Journal of Economic
Literature book reviews.
EconLit topics include economic development, forecasting, and history;
fiscal theory; monetary theory and financial institutions; business finance;
public finance; and international, labour, health care, managerial, demographic,
regional, agricultural, and urban economics, country studies, and government
Producent: American
Economic Association.
Liczba dysków: 1
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Monthly and Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1969-Present
¬ródła: Journal of Economic Literature; Index of Economic Articles in Journals and
Collective Volumes; Cambridge University Press Abstracts of Working Papers in
Platforma: Web; Macintosh; PC; Windows; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic, with abstracts of journal articles, working papers, and books
with full text reviews
Ei Compendex(r)
Ei Compendex(r) provides summaries of technical reports, journal articles,
and conference papers and proceedings.
The world's only fully interdisciplinary engineering abstracts index, Ei
Compendex(r) covers over 2,600 international engineering journals, conference
proceedings and technical reports. Each year, 200,000 new abstracts are added
within the broad applied engineering areas of mechanical, civil, environmental,
electrical, structural, process, materials science, solid state and
superconductivity, bioengineering, energy, chemical, optics, air and water
pollution, solid waste management, hazardous waste, road transportation and
transportation safety.
For an additional fee subscribers to SilverPlatter's version of Ei Compendex(r)
can have access to Ei Village, an award winning Internet Gateway to engineering
resources on the web.
Producent: Engineering
Information, Inc..
Liczba dysków: Delivered on Tape
Medium: Internet; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Monthly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1970-Present
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 1.5 million
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 200,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Chemistry; Civil-Engineering; Engineering; Hazardous-Waste; Pollution;
Science-and-Technology; Transportation
ERIC, sponsored by the US Department of Education, is the premier national
bibliographic database of education literature.
ERIC consists of two files: Resources in Education, which covers the document
literature, consisting of research reports, curriculum and teaching guides,
conference papers, and books, and Current Index to Journals in Education, which
covers published journal literature from over 775 periodicals.
The database also includes the full text of ERIC Digest Records. These one- to
two-page records, written specifically for teachers, administrators, and other
practitioners, provide an overview of information on a given topic and supply
references with more detailed information. ERIC subscriptions are available in
various coverage options. Document records include links to ERIC documents,
available electronically through ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS).
Producent: U.S. Department of
Education; Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).
Liczba dysków: 1, 2 or 3
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1966-Present
¬ródła: Current Index to Journals in Education; Resources in Education
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 910,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 31,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Counseling; Curriculum; Education
The American Psychological Association's PsycINFO(r) database, with
over 1.5 million records, is the comprehensive international database of
psychology. It covers the academic, research and practice literature in
psychology from over 45 countries in more than 30 languages. PsycINFO
includes relevant materials from related disciplines such as medicine,
psychiatry, education, social work, law, criminology, social science, and
organizational behavior. It is an essential tool for researchers, practitioners,
and students in psychology and its numerous related disciplines. PsycINFO
provides indexes to journals, dissertations, book chapters, books, technical
reports, and other documents from 1887 to the present including the optional
Historic PsycINFO and archive file database. PsycINFO includes Hot
Links between book and chapter citations, as well as field specific author and
journal title indexes.
Producent: American
Psychological Association.
Medium: Internet; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Monthly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1984-Present; archive file 1967-1983; Historic PsycINFO 1887-1966
¬ródła: Psychological Abstracts
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 1,540,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 80,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Business; Education; Medicine; Psychiatry; Psychology; Sociology
Sociological Abstracts
Sociological Abstracts provides access to the latest worldwide findings in
theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science. Produced
by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts features journal
citations and abstracts; book, chapter, and association paper abstracts; and
book, film, and software review citations. The database also contains major and
minor descriptors. Entries cover sociological aspects of twenty-nine broad
topics, including anthropology, business, collective behavior, community
development, disaster studies, education, environmental studies, gender studies,
gerontology, law and penology, marriage and family studies, medicine and health,
racial interactions, social psychology, social work, sociological theory,
stratification, substance abuse, urban studies, and violence. Sociological
Abstracts is fundamental for interdiciplinary research in social sciences issues
and for practitioners seeking the sociological perspective on various
Producent: Cambridge
Scientific Abstracts.
Liczba dysków: 2
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1963-Present
¬ródła: Sociological Abstracts
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 530,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 35,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Aging; AIDS; Alcohol-Abuse; Anthropology; Counseling; Crime; Drugs;
Education; Family-Studies; Gerontology; Healthcare; Law; Political-Science;
Psychiatry; Psychology; Public-Administration; Public-Health; Rehabilitation;
Social-Development; Social-Issues; Social-Psychology; Social-Sciences; Sociology;
Wilson OmniFile
Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Select is a convenient, affordable solution for
libraries that meets the needs of undergraduates and other researchers in a wide
range of specialties. The database contains full text, indexing and abstracting
of 890 periodicals from January 1994 to present. For users with inquiries in
areas that cross disciplines - ethnic studies, women's studies, history, health
care, and the like - the database's cross-discipline searchability offers
utility beyond that of any subject-specific resource. And even for those who are
unsure of which area of research best matches their subject of interest, Wilson
OmniFile: full Tex Select is the perfect choice. Subjects: Business; Humanities;
Science & Technology; Social Sciences and general interest periodicals.
Producent: H.W. Wilson Company, The.
Medium: Internet
Częstotliwo¶ć: Monthly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1994-Present
Platforma: Web
Typ: Bibliographic and Full Text
Słowa kluczowe: Business; Humanities; Science-and-Technology; Social-Sciences
ATLA Religion Database
With information dating from 1949 to the present, ATLA Religion Database is
the leading international database indexing citations in all scholarly fields of
religion. ATLA Religion Database includes 350,000 article citations from 1,400
journals, 150,000 essay citations from 14,000 multi-author works, and almost
350,000 book review citations.
ATLA Religion Database contains citations to international literature in 34
languages and offers one-stop access to three crucial ATLA electronic indexes:
Religion Index One: Periodicals (RIO(c)); Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works
(RIT(c)); and Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRRc).
Atla Religion Database is a research tool for studying religious issues and
related topics, as well as for the theological perspective in social sciences,
history, and humanities.
Producent: American
Theological Library Association (ATLA).
Liczba dysków: 2
Medium: CD; Hard Disk; Internet
Częstotliwo¶ć: Semi-annually
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1949 - Present; Rolling 10 years
¬ródła: Religion Index One: Periodicals (RIO(c)); Religion Index Two: Multi-Author
Works (RIT(c)); Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR(c))
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 1,000,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 30,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Current-Events; Ethics; History; Philosophy; Religion
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
The International Bibliography of Social Sciences, from the British Library
of Political and Economic Science of the London School of Economics and
Political Science, indexes the information contained in over 2,600 social
sciences journals and 6,000 books each year. Coverage includes both core and
specialized material from over 100 countries in more than 90 languages.
Approximately 70% of the records are in English, and articles in other languages
are displayed with both the original language title as well as with an English
translation. The comprehensive coverage provided in the database, while based on
the core disciplines of anthropology, economics, political science and sociology,
also reflects the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the social sciences.
Producent: British
Library of Political and Economic Science; London School of Economics and
Political Science.
Liczba dysków: 1
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1951 - Present; 1981 - Present
¬ródła: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 1,600,000+ / 900,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 100,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Anthropology; Archeology; Business; Crime; Culture; Demographics; Economics;
Education; Foreign-Affairs; Government; History; Industry;
International-Relations; Law; Political-Science; Psychology;
Public-Administration; Public-Affairs; Religion; Social-Issues; Social-Sciences;
MEDLINE Advanced
MEDLINE Advanced contains the same important MEDLINE data you
rely on, now available via the Internet, or on tape with weekly FTP updates. MEDLINE
Advanced offers all of the functionality of MEDLINE, including the MeSH
thesaurus and full explosion and pre-explosion capability. Plus, MEDLINE
Advanced offers powerful new features for more precise searching: field specific
indexes, full journal titles, fully searchable source fields, age limits,
floating sub-headings, and more. The database can also be searched by journal
code and the date it was added to the NLM system. MEDLINE Advanced has 43
weekly updates and two monthly updates (January and February) per year.
Producent: U.S. National Library of
Medium: Internet; DVD (available for 1966+ only); Tape for Hard Disk Loading
Częstotliwo¶ć: Weekly via FTP; Monthly via CD
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1966-Present; rolling 14 years; rolling 6 years
¬ródła: Index Medicus; Index to Dental Literature; International Nursing Index
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 10,000,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 400,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Anesthesia; Dentistry; Health-Sciences; Healthcare; Life-Sciences; Medicine;
Nursing; Psychiatry; Public-Health; Research-and-Development; Veterinary-Science
Philosopher's Index
The premier international resource in philosophy, The Philosopher's Index
is a bibliographic database with informative author-written abstracts covering
scholarly research in the fifteen fields of philosophy, published in journals
and books since 1940. The electronic version of The Philosopher's Index
is available exclusively on SilverPlatter. 80% of the records are taken from
journal articles, with the remaining 20% taken from books and contributions to
anthologies. Over 480 journals are covered, from 38 countries, making The Philosopher's
Index a truly international research tool.
The database cites works in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian,
Chinese and Japanese. It also includes complete coverage of international
articles from anthologies and books written in English and other languages.
Producent: Philosopher's
Information Center.
Liczba dysków: 1
Medium: Internet; Hard Disk; CD-ROM
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1940 - Present
¬ródła: The Philosopher's Index
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC
Typ: Bibliographic with author abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 215,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 10,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Education; Language; Philosophy; Political-Science; Religion; Anthropology;
Science; Sociology
Ulrich's International Periodicals
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory is an important tool for
reference, research, and serials management. This database provides information
on virtually every active and ceased periodical, annual, irregular publication,
and monographic series published throughout the world.
This database allows users to retrieve, manipulate, and scrutinise citations
from myriad perspectives, including 969 subject categories, keywords,
subscription rates, publisher name, title, editor, and more. Updated quarterly,
the database also provides contact information for over 80,000 publishers
world-wide. With over 215,000 records, Ulrich's International Periodicals
Directory is ideal for anyone requiring detailed information on periodicals.
Producent: R.R. Bowker, a division of
Reed Elsevier, Inc..
Liczba dysków: 1
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1979-Present
¬ródła: Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 215,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Directories; Publishing; Reference
Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) is a valuable reference
tool for current awareness in information sciences. Comprehensive coverage
allows access to past, present, and ongoing developments in librarianship,
information science, online retrieval, new information technologies, and
publishing. LISA on SilverPlatter includes abstracting and indexing of 500
periodicals (dating from 1969) from over 60 countries along with unpublished
academic and institutional research from the Current Research in Library and
Information Science Database (since 1981).
Producent: Bowker-Saur,
Reed Elsevier, Inc.
Liczba dysków: 1
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Monthly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1969-Present
¬ródła: Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA); Current Research in
Library and Information Science (CRLIS)
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with Abstracts
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 171,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 13,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Databases; Information-Sciences; Reference
MLA International Bibliography
MLA International Bibliography, the fundamental research tool for the
humanities, covers international scholarly materials on language, literature,
linguistics, and folklore.
With coverage since 1963, this comprehensive database includes over 1.3 million
citations from over 3,000 journals and series published worldwide, as well as
monographs, working papers and conference proceedings. There is no geographical
limitation to coverage; the Bibliography represents all national literatures.
SilverPlatter's edition of this database includes the MLA Bibliography Thesaurus
with related terms to facilitate precise searching of authors, literary works,
genres, and viewpoints. Additionally, in 2000, SilverPlatter's edition will
include the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
Producent: Modern
Language Association of America.
Liczba dysków: 2
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Ten Yearly Updates
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1963-Present
¬ródła: MLA International Bibliography
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 1,300,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 50,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Drama; Folklore; Humanities; Language; Literature
AGRICOLA is the most
comprehensive source of bibliographic citations covering US agricultural and
life sciences information.
AGRICOLA offers vital agricultural information covering 1970 to the present. It
contains over 3.4 million citations to journal articles, monographs, theses,
patents, software, audio-visual materials, and technical reports related to
agriculture. AGRICOLA serves as the document locator and bibliographic control
system for the NAL collection. The extensive file provides comprehensive
coverage of newly acquired worldwide publications in agriculture and related
Producent: U.S. National Agricultural
Library; U.S.National Technical Information Service.
Liczba dysków: 4
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1970-Present; 1984 -Present
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 3,400,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 100,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Agriculture; Agronomy; Animal-Science; Aquaculture; Biology; Botany;
Breeding; Crop-Management; Dairy-Science; Ecology; Entomology; Environment;
Fertilizers; Food-and-Agriculture; Forestry; Horticulture; Natural-Resources;
Nutrition; Pesticides; Plant-Genetics; Soils; Veterinary-Science; Water
World Biographical Index
The fifth edition of the World Biographical Index is a complete register to
sixteen biographical archives and provides an overview of the biographical
articles they contain, as well as covering the following archives:
-American Biographical Archives I and II;
-British Biographical Archive I;
-French Biographical Archives I and II;
-German Biographical Archive I;
-Italian Biographical Archives I and II; -Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Biographical Archives I and II;
-Australasian Biographical Archive;
-Scandinavian Biographical Archive;
-Biographical Archive of the Benelux Countries;
-British Biographical Archive II;
-German Biographical Archive II;
-Italian Biographical Archive II, Supplement;
-Polish Biographical Archive;
With these important additions the new CD-ROM edition World Biographical Index
now functions as:-an index to some 4 million biographical articles in the biographical archives,
-an index to over. 4,100 international biographical reference works from the
16th to 20th century, and
-an independent tool for biographical research, providing data on over 2.5
million people.
The database makes it easy for researchers to target the biographical
information they need. Users can look for matches for all forms of a name, for a
date of birth or death, occupation description, occupation classification,
biographical archive and source work. A successfully completed search yields a
list of matches. The display shows name, occupation and date of birth, as given
in the biographical entries found, and the biographical archive which contains
the full text. Bibliographic details of the over 4,100 source works used can be
looked up under the abbreviated title of the source, under each word in the
bibliographical entry and under the biographical archive.
Producent: K.G. Saur, part of Reed
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Annually
Zasięg chronologiczny: 16th Century-Present
¬ródła: None
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic with short biographies
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 2,000,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 300,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Biography; History; Humanities
AGRIS provides worldwide bibliographic coverage of agricultural
science and technology literature. Assembled by the AGRIS. Co-ordinating
Centre, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, AGRIS
offers an international perspective on crucial agricultural research. The many
aspects of agriculture, including forestry, animal husbandry, aquatic sciences
and fisheries, and human nutrition from over 135 participating countries are
covered. Literature includes unique material such as unpublished scientific and
technical reports, theses, conference papers, government publications, and more.
Approximately 130,000 records are added each year with key words in English,
French, and Spanish. The archival discs now cover 1975 through 1990. The current
disc covers from 1991 to the present.
Producent: AGRIS
Co-ordinating Center; U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Liczba dysków: 8
Medium: Internet; CD; Hard Disk
Częstotliwo¶ć: Quarterly
Zasięg chronologiczny: 1975-Present
¬ródła: AGRINDEX
Platforma: Web; Windows; Macintosh; PC; UNIX
Typ: Bibliographic
Liczba rekordów aktualnie: 2,000,000+
Liczba rekordów rocznie: 130,000+
Słowa kluczowe: Agriculture; Agronomy; Animal-Science; Biology; Botany; Breeding;
Crop-Management; Dairy-Science; Fertilizers; Food-and-Agriculture; Forestry;
Horticulture; Nutrition; Pesticides; Plant-Genetics; Pollution; Soils;
Veterinary-Science; Water
© W. M. Kolasa. Kraków 2003 http://www.wmkolasa.up.krakow.pl/